Your encouragement as the friend or family member of a patient can help support the healing process. 参观前, familiarize yourself with policies that apply to Community 医院 of the Monterey Peninsula guests.
- Should not have any infectious symptoms such as cough, fever, difficulty breathing, or vomiting
- Must not have been recently diagnosed with COVID-19
- Children 14 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult visitor and are not permitted to visit the ICU
- Unlimited visitors a day, with the following guidelines:
Maximum of two visitors at a time in the room, two additional visitors may wait in the designated waiting room and switch out (maximum four visitors/patient inside hospital)
Note: Children under 14 do not count in two visitors at a time. Space and situation must be able to accommodate total number.
- 一名后勤人员可以留下来过夜
- COVID-19 patients in isolation may have visitors provided physical distancing can be accomplished and visitors comply with hospital COVID isolation procedures
- Garden Pavilion visiting hours are 1-2 p.m. 6-7分.m. 一次只限一位访客
- End-of-life patients may have up to four visitors in the room at one time, 和两名后勤人员过夜
探访时间从早上8点开始.m.–8 p.m.
密集的 护理病房(ICU) - 参见单独访客政策
韦斯特兰家 – 参见单独访客政策
参观前 a patient, you must check in at the hospital’s main entrance. You’ll need to provide identification (ID) and have your photo taken for security purposes.
We’ll provide a temporary badge for you to wear during your visit. 离开时请还给我.
Cell phones are allowed in patient rooms and public areas of the hospital. You can also make local calls using our public phones in our waiting areas.
Can I bring food or beverages for a patient?
You must get permission from a patient’s nurse before bringing food or beverages to the hospital for a patient. This lets us make sure the item is safe for them and allowed according to the diet prescribed by their doctor. The smell of certain foods may be unpleasant to some patients.
帮助我们阻止细菌的传播. Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently during your visit and before you interact with patients. If you don’t feel well or you have a fever, cough, or other symptoms, do not visit.
安静的时间总是有效的. Help us make Community 医院 a place for peace and healing by staying as quiet as possible in patient rooms and throughout the facility.
Community 医院 is a smoke-free environment. 访问ors may smoke only in their cars.
To increase connection with families, Community 医院 offers patients assistance with 视频和电话访问. 病人s may ask their nurse to make arrangements for an online chat.
Take advantage of services and amenities to make your experience a positive one. Let a member of our staff know if you have questions or concerns at any time during your visit.
Free wireless internet access is available throughout the hospital.
If you or your loved one would benefit from the services of a translator or interpreter, explore 语言帮助 we offer to patients, their caregivers, and families.
评估特定的 安全政策及服务, including availability of 24/7 hospital Security staff.
Let us know about a positive experience at Community 医院 or a healthcare provider, 工作人员, 或者是做出贡献的志愿者. 分享你的故事 与我们. 我们也很感谢收到您的来信 想法或建议 全国网赌正规平台如何改进.
Take time for your well-being and peace of mind by visiting one of the hospital’s dedicated spaces for reflection, such as our koi pond or meditation room. 你也可以要求与某人交谈 医院的牧师 who offers compassionate guidance, whatever your faith background.
查看有用的信息 社区医院访客, including driving directions, a hospital campus map, parking information, and more.
Help a loved one prepare for their care
了解病人可以期待什么 在他们逗留之前、期间和之后.